The Reason Why The 2048 Is So Addicting

Like Bejeweled, Candy Crush, and countless puzzle games before it, it's
consumed hours, days, months of our time. It's more than just sliding numbers of
blocks into easy sums. Each 2048 game
session can be described as a fierce struggle for space, a Zen practice when
playing solo or with a partner, and a full-on war when .
2048Playing against other
But we can't stop. Judy Willis, a neurologist and adjunct faculty participant
at the Graduate School of Education at University of California, Santa Barbara
She explains the neurology behind our 2048 addiction.
It's All About the Dopamine
In terms of neurotransmitters, dopamine is one of the most famous. It
transfers information through your nervous system on a daily basis. When it
builds up the brain is in hyperdrive. Willis states that dopamine is one the
most powerful neurochemicals (and addictive drugs) that we've ever heard
Dopamine increases pleasure, perseverance, and decreases stress. Dopamine can
be increased by winning a bet, having a successful work experience or by using
cocaine. The dopamine-driven mix of enjoyment and determination is what drives
athletes to perform harder. However, it's the reason that drug addicts are drawn
to addiction.
The same goes for 2048. "Games like 2048 offer players two of the biggest
dopamine boosters" Willis says, which are:
1. The power of prediction: "The brain loves to make predictions," Willis
says. "In 2048, every 2 or 4 you make is the equivalent of a prediction. You
don't know what's right to do but the game provides you an endless opportunity
to make another prediction.
Willis refers to studies carried out by James Paul Gee, which have shown that
predictions still give you a boost of dopamine at an 80 percent fail rate. That
is, even if you mess up your 2048 scoreboard eight times out of ten the brain
will insist that you continue playing.
Dopamine's effects allow you to remain at peace even when you don't reach
2048. Willis says that, instead of feeling anxious, the brain feels so relaxed
it won't stop.
2. An achievable task: If a sport is too easy or hard, dopamine levels
stagnate. Willis declares that a demanding game online must be
attainable but not unattainable to get the best boost. "'Achievable challenge'
are the key phrases," she says. "That's the thing that will give you the most
dopamine rush."
Those of you who have reached 2048 (by luck) are aware that this desired
target can be both challenging and feasible. Which means that we can't be at
work or in bed until we've achieved it again. Willis says, "It's so satisfying
to beat adversity that you continue to play,"
Your Daily (or Hourly!) 2048 Fix
Addiction to video games is real however there are huge distinctions between
a diehard and an addict. Willis claims that people who are addicted to video
games feel their feelings so intense that they are unable to do other things in
their lives. It's not gotten to that level in our situation. Yet.
The productivity of our office has dropped by 20 percent in the last 2048. At least, according to Willis she believes it's natural. "The frequent surge of dopamine that results from combining 16s into a 32 leads to the desire to not work," she says. "Because you never know what the future holds--you may be better the next time."
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